I'm sitting here in my apartment, after taking three trains (okay that sounds dramatic. One hour long one, 2 tiny subway rides.) and lugging around two medium sized bags (dramatic again), with my windows down and obsessively itching all over my legs and arms. It seems that somewhere along the way I was being used and abused by bugs, acting as their dinner. Bug bite central. But you know what, who cares? Here's a Jane Fonda Preach Alert, but I'm just so thankful. For everything. Bites, bitching, b...oobs? What else is B? Regardless, I am in a 'good place' as all those damn self aware folks call it. I also landed a job this week that makes my heart happy and I'm waiting to hear back on a second job that also makes my heart happy. I am hungry for it and way excited. More on that another time.
All of that excitement came during the past couple of days, after a week spent with SCAD friends in NYC (one of my pals Alan came and spent time here & i can't wait for him to move here officially!) and a weekend in NJ filled with family. Now I'm back in the city, excited to see what is in store this week. All I know right now is that my dinner is being delivered to my door because I am a lazy and tired asshole. I have Girls on HBO waiting for me at 11pm and my new book after that. I've made a little goal for myself to read strictly memoirs/biographies for the next year to gain as much human inspiration as possible in this critical, confusey, 20's-y time in my life. Mature, huh? Also, it's nice to shut off the constant Bravo that's on in the background of my life (Real Housewives of Anything) or turn the computer off every once in a while and partake in good ol' fashioned reading.
5 Favorite Things This Week:
1. Soy garlic chicken from Bon Chon. Like, I'm really not even sure what the hell was occurring there. Christina Aguilera "Dirty" music videos being projected on the wall, the most delicious chunks (UGH that word) of chicken that made me so thirsty I thought my throat was literally shutting down. All in all, I'd go back everyday.
2. The Keith Haring exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum. The whole thing made me jealous of his life except for the whole "dying of AIDS" thing.
3. Being able to see my family three weekends in a row.
4. Essie nail polish in Merino Cool & Burts Bees face cloths
5. My Mom! Hello. It's Mother's Day Weekend & I cooked brunch today:
Rosemary focaccia french toast
Strawberries & Blueberries with Mint
Lemonade with blueberries, strawberries, lemon & mint
Roasted potatoes with fresh basil, scallions, garlic, onions & lemon
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